
Monday, August 23, 2004

God is busy, call later

Ok, I just want to say something about “Praying” for something. Christians have this basic belief that God has a special plan, right? When somebody dies or something goes wrong, we go “It’s God’s will”. If everything that happens is “God’s Will” or part of God’s great plan, then who are we to go fuck it up with our requests?

“God, please help the Philippine team win a gold medal at the Olympics, they need a miracle ‘cause they suck”.


So what happens if it’s in Gods great plan to have another team win because sometime in the future, somebody from that team will rise to greatness. Do you think God will revise his great plan just because you asked?

Think about it. Praying for something is so fucking arrogant.

So stop being an asshole and leave God alone, or do you think that you can give God tips on how to run the show?

I didn’t think so.

So stop praying and be thankful that having an asshole for a supervisor/manager isn’t part of God’s great plan.

Oh, wait..



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