
Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Missing you

*I should have posted this a couple of weeks back but i didn't have time then *

July 28, 2004
I just finished eating lunch (which sucked ) and I still couldn’t stop thinking about you.

I arrived in the office at around 9:20 and went about my usual morning routine.

Turn pc on, get water, chit-chat with tine, follow up on tasks assigned by PM’s and whoever. I chatted with joe a bit about the movie project handled by dan. The usual bullshit that keeps me alive by giving the impression that I’m working and that I know what I’m doing.

While I was talking with joe, dan and tine (which began to get pretty boring after the third sentence spoken) I received a message on my phone, it was you. That literally made my morning, and I excused myself from the conversation and made my way to the nearest phone….which was beside chino. I was actually considering not calling you because I REALLY didn’t want to sit beside chino as I saw him picking his nose a while back. So I gathered enough courage, approached the phone, shot chino a “touch me and I’ll kill you” look and started to dial your number.

I wanted to hide my face when you picked up the phone because I really must’ve looked like a complete idiot smiling like there was something sucking on my….. and so we talked and time stopped for me. Has anybody ever told you that you have the most sexiest phone voice when you’ve just woken up?

And so I went back to work…

My meeting with regie Pablo started at around 11:30, alex (who was included in the meeting) and I really wanted to eat, so we cut the meeting short and almost threw regie out the door when the meeting ended.

(oh you called again during the meeting, but when I called back, the line was busy)

So we had lunch, as mentioned above, and had an uneventful cigarette break, and so here I am.

More later.

Have iItold you that I can’t work since my mind has been screaming your name and demanding that I either look for a way to be with you right now or it shuts down indefinitely?


I love you.


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